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Why Bamboo Fabric is Perfect for Your Children’s Wardrobe

Why Bamboo Fabric is Perfect for Your Children’s Wardrobe - Wear Lark

As a parent, you only want the best for your child. From choosing the right baby formula to dressing your child in the best clothes, no task is too small. When it comes to searching for different types of baby clothes, you have an array of fabrics to choose from. Some parents prefer cotton while others like dressing their children in fleece. If you are searching for the softest and most comfortable fabric for your baby, you will love bamboo fabric. As this fabric continues to grow in popularity among parents, it is becoming clearer than ever as to why bamboo baby clothes are so valued. 

7 Reasons Why Parents Prefer Bamboo Baby Clothes Over Other Fabrics

several children in bamboo baby clothes standing against a wall

Finding the right clothing essentials for your child can be stressful. After all, you need outfits that are both stylish and practical. The onesie you just purchased your two-year-old might be cute, but they might not be as happy with it if it collects pollen or feels stuffy. That’s why so many parents today are turning to bamboo fabric for their children’s essentials. 

1. Bamboo is Highly Absorbent and Breathable

Bamboo fabric is incredibly absorbent. In fact, it can absorb up to three times its weight in liquid. Young children are highly-energetic individuals. After running around all day, they are sure to accumulate sweat and moisture. The bamboo fabric effectively wicks the sweat away from their skin, keeping them comfortable and ready to keep playing. Breathability also plays an important factor in your child’s playtime, as you don’t want them to grow uncomfortable or hot while out on the playground. 

2. The Material is All-Natural

two kids in bamboo fabric playing in grass

Bamboo fabric is made from bamboo grass. After extracting the pulp from the grass, manufacturers can build soft fabric perfect for children’s essentials. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester and nylon do not offer the same natural benefits that bamboo fabric does. Even natural fabrics like cotton are sometimes treated with pesticides while in their plant form. But because bamboo is naturally disease-resistant, you can rest assured that no pesticides touch the bamboo during any point in the manufacturing process. 

3. It Regulates the Body Temperature

Because of the micro-gaps found in bamboo fabric, this material can help regulate your child’s body temperature. During the summer, the bamboo fabric can retain cool air and in the winter, it can keep warm air around the body. 

Other materials such as rayon and polyester can leave your child feeling hot and uncomfortable. Keeping your child comfortable is crucial, which is why bamboo fabric is a top choice among parents when it comes to regulating their children’s body temperatures. 

4. Bamboo Baby Clothes are Hypoallergenic and Anti-Bacterial

two kids in red sweatsuits sitting on a skateboard

Does your child suffer from allergies? Dealing with allergies is never pleasant. If your child is allergic to fabric such as polyester or cotton, finding the right essentials for them can be difficult. Bamboo baby clothes are a great option for children, as they are naturally hypoallergenic. This means that they can repel common causes of allergies such as mildew or dust, thus reducing your child’s chances of suffering from an allergic reaction. 

5. The Fabric Smells Nice and is Easy to Clean

We love our children, but it’s no secret that they are prone to getting messy. Whether that entails spilling some juice on their clothes or rolling around in the grass, dirty clothes are practically inevitable. When it comes to cleaning bamboo fabric, you just need to throw it in the washing machine under the cool setting. Because it naturally smells fresh and clean, you don’t have to worry about adding fabric softeners to the washing machine. 

6. It is Extremely Soft Yet Strong

Comfort is a top priority for children’s essentials. Because your child is always on the move, it’s important that they wear the right material for keeping them comfortable throughout the day. Not only is bamboo fabric as soft as cashmere, but it also offers breathability and moisture-wicking properties to provide the ultimate comfort for its wearers. 

Bamboo fabric is so soft that you might be surprised at its durability. Unlike other fabrics, you don’t have to worry about bamboo fabric quickly unraveling or pilling. 

7. It’s Better for the Environment

We want our children to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. By choosing bamboo fabrics, you are contributing to an environmentally-friendly practice. Chemicals and pesticides are never needed for growing bamboo. Bamboo requires low levels of water and can even help retain water in watershed areas. Farmers also enjoy bamboo for its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, thus helping contribute to a healthier atmosphere.  

Different types of Bamboo Baby Clothes You Can Try

children dressed in bamboo baby clothes

You can find breathable bamboo essentials at Lark Adventurewear in a number of different styles. From zip footies to pocket tees to leggings, Lark has everything you need to build a proper wardrobe for your child. Our clothes are made of an innovative bamboo French terry blend that features:

  • The ability to protect your child from sun and sweat
  • Stain-resistant capabilities
  • Antimicrobial properties

These stylish and practical clothes can be worn everywhere from the sandbox to the grocery store. 

Finding the right clothes for your baby can be stressful and confusing. With so many options out there, it can be challenging to find a fabric that is safe, durable, and soft. Bamboo baby clothes offer all three options and more. That’s why so many parents prefer essentials made of bamboo fabric for their children. 

Don’t have any breathable bamboo essentials? No worries! Lark Adventurewear offers soft, temperature regulating Softek™ fabric for the special infant in your life. Check out our popular essentials now!
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