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My Life at Lark + Lessons I've Learned

My Life at Lark + Lessons I've Learned - Wear Lark

Since launching Lark, I’ve learned a lot as a small business owner and entrepreneur. My heart and passion are fully entrenched in Lark Adventurewear because I firmly believe that our clothing is better than what’s on the market and that they are better for our children. As we’ve launched and grown, there have been challenges, and there have been victories (cue my favorite emoticon 🙌), which have resulted in me testing, trying, asking for feedback, listening to customers, retesting, retrying, and solving any problems that pop up until they fixed and I can stand behind my products with confidence and say they are, in fact, the best in the market.

As a mama of two, it is incredibly difficult to find balance between operating my own business and ensuring that I don’t miss any mommy-moments with my two boys. Some days, I truly do feel like a one-woman circus act. But at the end of it all, I am truly fulfilled in all aspects of my life when I hear from customers like you or see a repeat order because it means that you get me. And that you get our products. And that you understand the Lark mission.

If only I could charge you all for the show. ;)

I’m jotting out my own little journal for you of things I’ve learned in the past years in an effort to give you a glimpse into the life of a “mompreneur” but also encourage you all to dive into your passions and make your dreams a reality no matter how hard the road to that goal might seem.

But let’s get real here. This mama could use the support of her loving + loyal customers. I don’t want to send emails to you that aren’t effective. I don’t want to push sales that you don’t want to see. And I want to ensure we have product that YOU want and love! So...

Here are the 3 things I’ve learned so far:

  1. Create A Tribe: We want to build a conversation amongst like minded parents, not just have “customers” who buy our products. We are starting to get there. Instead of talking “to” our customers, we are much better off when we create a dialogue with you. About your kids. About our clothes. About things unrelated to both kids and clothes. Follow Us on Instagram to join the community.
  2. Be present. That means when I’m working on Lark away from the kids, I concentrate on Lark. And learning to turn “off” the work as a business owner when I am with babies so I can be the best mom I can be for them.
  3. “If you make it, They will come”. I believe in providing a quality product and if it’s better than the competition, then hopefully we can create an engaged and loyal group of customers that helps us market by telling their inner circles. This doesn’t happen overnight, but I’m starting to see the results of this labor of love. That being said - if you love your Lark please tell other mamas about us or gift us to new moms! Our small biz thrives when parents help us spread the word.

And now your turn. I want to open the doors of the Lark business to you. So, tell me, if you could ask me ONE question, what would it be? I want to better understand who YOU are so I can continue to connect and provide a product you + your little ones can enjoy. If you have thoughts or suggestions on what I could be doing differently, I want to know!

Thank you for taking the time to read. I truly look forward to hearing your responses!


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