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How to Find Your "Me Time" as a Mom

How to Find Your

As moms, we all crave "me time"...a few moments to de-stress, rejuvenate the mind and body, and find our balance again.

We all know--in theory anyway--how important it is to carve time out of our schedules for self care. But what do you actually WANT to do in those precious minutes of downtime? The idea of self care and preservation means something different to each of us. Some days we have an hour, other days we have five minutes to destress and compose ourselves.

Here are some ideas to inspire all those women out there searching for how to put the "Me" in "Mommy". 

1. Get together with friends.

That's right...connect with friends and plan a mom playdate. Whether it's going out for a meal, getting together to watch your favorite show, or taking a walk around the block or to grab a coffee. Laughing and chatting with your friends is one of the best ways ever to recharge!

Yoga for Moms

2. Yoga.

Move your coffee table and all the toys to the other side of the room and do some simple yoga and meditation for however many minutes you have to yourself. There's on-demand yoga, dvds, or pull up some exercises on your phone or computer if you can't get out to a class. Even some quick and simple stretches can make you feel renewed.

Me Time

3. Listen to a great podcast.

There are so many good ones out there! Check out buzzfeed's recommendations to get you started or for a new idea. 

Dance to Relieve Stress

4. Dance.

Put on your favorite playlist, and if you don't have one- play your favorite songs in succession and bust out some of your old moves. You'll be surprised how terrific this makes you feel!

Mom Time in the Bath

5.Take a bath using essential oils.

Lavender is a wonderful de-stresser. Here's a nice beginner's guide to essential oils.  

Mom Treat

6. Indulge in a treat.

At the end of the day, or when the baby is napping, make yourself the yummy indulgence that you have been dreaming about. One can never estimate the power of chocolate.

Book in Bed

7. Read a Book

Even if its for a few minutes every day before going to bed. Make time to learn something new, read a biography or delve into some juicy fiction that takes you away from it all. 

Singing in the Shower

8. Take a long, long...long hot shower. 

One of the simple pleasures in life as a mom. Don't be afraid to sing your favorite tunes while you are at it! Maybe quietly if your little one is sleeping. 

Catching up With a Friend

9.Catch up with a friend. 

Whether that's on a quick walk, over a cup of coffee or just an uninterrupted phone convo. A little girl time with a friend works wonders on the psyche.

Whatever you decide to do with your "me-time"...make it something YOU enjoy. It's all about striking a balance.

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill



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