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Have Yourself A Kid-Friendly New Years!

Have Yourself A Kid-Friendly New Years! - Wear Lark

New Years isn't just for grown-ups anymore! If you're in the mood to ring in 2019 off with your kiddos in tow (or you just can't nab a babysitter), we've got some ideas to help you get inspired. OK, 12:00 am is way past the little one's bedtime but that doesn't mean you can't still celebrate, kids-style! 

1. Kick off the festivities early, so everyone can get to bed at a reasonable hour (like 9:00pm)! You and your family can even make a clock like this one and change the time every hour.


Photo credit:

2. Make a photo backdrop with props and take tons of family photos! There are lots of ideas on Pinterest.

Photo credit:

3. Create simple New Years Eve Count Down goodie bags that the kids can open every hour!


Photo credit: Wiliam Warby/flickr

4. Who's ready for Balloon Games galore! Your kids will be! Bonus: you work off some of those holiday treats :- )

5. Write up a few simple questions to ask your child every year, and document their answers on camera. See how their responses change with each passing year!



6. Set up an ice cream bar and mocktails like Shirley Temples or your own creations! 

7. Throw a Glow in the Dark dance party. Get some non-toxic glow in the dark paint and make some poster board signs with your kids to hang around the "dance floor".  You can also pick up some non-toxic glow sticks for that extra special touch. Then, crank up the music so everyone can bust out their best moves!


8. Help your tots understand the concept of a year by creating photo collage of family pictures from the past year- be sure to start at the beginning of 2017 and select pictures from all of the seasons. Start a tradition and make one every year!


9. Play some kid-friendly party games like Charades or board seriously NEVER gets old!


10. Create your own "Wishing Wall" with this wonderfully thoughtful idea from buggyandbuddy,com!


11. Have a New Years themed scavenger hunt or print out some New Years Eve Bingo!


12. Make a family time capsule to be opened the next year on New Years Eve! Add photos, notes, letters, small toys, etc.

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