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Fall Bucket List for Toddlers

Fall Bucket List for Toddlers - Wear Lark

It's FALL!

Crisp cool air, crimson colored leaves, and family outings...that's right, it's time to enjoy some of our favorite fall activities! What kinds of family adventures can you experience with your little ones this season? Check out our fall bucket list for toddlers. We want to help you create those precious memories that last forever!


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1. Collect leaves, then make a collage - see how many different colors, shapes and sizes your family can find! Bring along a bag to store the leaves in as you find them.

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2. Rake, then jump in a pile of leaves! What's better than that?!

3. Find a local nearby orchard and spend an hour or two, (or a day) apple picking and wandering the orchard. Bring some home to snack on or make apple sauce or pie! Your child may want to sample some cider too! Yum...

4. Go on a toddler-friendly nature walk or hike and enjoy the amazing fall foliage while the weather is perfect. Don't forget your camera!


5. Backyard Camping or Picnic. Your tot can help you pitch your own tent, set up some sleeping bags, read a few books by flashlight and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate together before packing it in and going to bed (in your house)! Here are some more ideas from! Or set up a picnic and enjoy the early fall sunshine! Here are some fun and easy kid friendly picnic recipes!

6. Visit a pumpkin patch and let your child select their own pumpkin to decorate or carve (with your help)!

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7. Roast pumpkins seeds - there's nothing like carving a pumpkin and roasting your own yummy snack. Flavor them with cinnamon and sugar, or whatever your toddler likes!

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8. Decorate your door, front step, porch or windows with pumpkins, fall drawings, leaves, or your toddler's handprints made into trees or turkeys. Here's how to help your child make a terrific hand print tree like the one above!


9. Go on a hay ride! So much fun on an early fall evening! Research online and figure out the best local ones near you.

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10. Make a pinecone bird feeder together! Your toddler will love to observe the birds that stop by for a snack!

These activities are just a sampling of the many wonderful joys of fall. We hope they spur your imagination and your excitement to get out there with your child and jump in the leaves!

"I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." -L. M. Montgomery



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