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5 Outdoor Sensory Bins Perfect for Springtime

5 Outdoor Sensory Bins Perfect for Springtime - Wear Lark

child standing in water playing with a toy busSensory bins are not only a great way to keep your kiddo busy, but it also requires no clean-up at all if you are using it outdoors. A sensory bin is a large container that is filled with different materials that stimulate the senses and can be customized with whatever your little Lark loves to play with! The best part? All the components stay in the confines of the bin. This means that there will be no mess on your little Lark’s bamboo baby clothes -- hopefully! Whether you are looking to purchase or build your own, check out these 5 sensory bins for you to add to your little Lark’s collection of fun. 

5 Sensory Bins to Keep All Kiddos Entertained & Clean In Their Bamboo Baby Clothes 

     1.Bird Seed Sensory Bin

tin of bird seedsAdding bird seeds into your sensory bin can be a fun change for your little Lark! 

Bird seeds are soothing and smooth to run your hands through, which makes them an amazing component of a sensory bin. When using this bin while your little Lark is playing outside in their bamboo toddler or baby clothes, there is no mess to clean up after they are done! If there are seeds that end up on the ground, birds will find their way there to pick them up. 

Items to include in a birdseed sensory bin:

  • Shovel
  • Pail
  • Smooth rocks
  • Different shaped toys


toy truck sitting in the sand with child reaching for itSand or dirt is a great base for your outdoor sensory bin. 

If the idea of your kiddo playing in a large sandbox that others have played in before sounds like a recipe for germs, create your own little sandbox in your backyard to play safely in! Playing in the sand could be something that your kiddo gets tired of if they are used to going into large sandboxes or playing at the beach. Try changing up the sand for dirt -- yes, willingly let your little Lark play in the dirt. Our top-rated bamboo essentials are stain-resistant and easy to clean, so we have you covered. The dirt is also a great alternative to sand because it will not get into your eyes as easily as sand and can give your little Lark the opportunity to have their own “construction site” to play in. 

Items to include in a sand or dirt sensory bin:

  • Toy cars and trucks
  • Toy shovels
  • Bowls, buckets, and plastic plates
  • Seashells and rocks

     3.Create A Scavenger Hunt

child playing in waterTaking advantage of your backyard and creating a scavenger hunt is a cool twist to a sensory bin. 

Get your little Lark into their comfiest bamboo baby clothes and take them on a scavenger hunt to fill up their sensory bin! Not only is this an excellent bonding activity for the family, but it also gets everyone to spend some time outdoors. When choosing what pieces of nature to add to your scavenger hunt, consider finding things that are different colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. This will give them a larger variety of items to play with when they have gathered everything together for their sensory bin. 

It could also be exciting to hold a new scavenger hunt when the seasons are changing! This will teach your kiddos about the different plants and flowers that bloom at different times of the year and will change up the components of the sensory bin if they are getting bored with what they are playing with. There is plenty in nature that will make it easy for you to create new scavenger hunts for your little Larks every now and then without having to spend a penny. 

Items to include in your scavenger hunt sensory bin: 

  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Feathers
  • Pinecones
  • Smooth rocks

     4.Keep Cool With a Water Sensory Bin

child sitting in bin playing with waterCool off in the heat and humidity with a water sensory bin!

Living in a warm climate? Creating a water sensory bin will keep the kiddos busy and cool in the summertime, and you too if you are playing along with them! Using water as the base of the bin will allow your little ones to run with their imagination. 

Another take on a water sensory bin is adding giant water beads into it! These beads grow incredibly in size when put into water and have a unique texture, which can be something new and exciting for your little Lark to explore. Make sure you change your kiddo out of their bamboo baby clothes because the beads do bounce and can potentially burst open!

Items to include in your water sensory bin:

  • Toy boats
  • Toy animals such as sharks and dolphins
  • Mermaid toys
  • Watering cans
  • Giant water beads

     5.Kitchen Sensory Bin

mother holding child while toddler is adding spices to a bowlLet your little Larks explore their cooking abilities with a kitchen sensory bin!

If your kiddos love to spend time with you while you are cooking in the kitchen, this sensory bin may be perfect for them! Having a kitchen-themed sensory bin can allow them to play house or pretend to be a chef that is making you a 5-star meal. Adding in different non-toxic kitchen tools and fun-to-touch foods is a recipe for success! 

Items to include in your kitchen sensory bin:

  • Spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • Rolling pins 
  • Jello
  • Flour or brown sugar

Utilizing sensory bins while spending more time outside with your little Lark in their bamboo baby clothing can be very beneficial for them and keep the mess away from the inside of your home. If you decide to go with birdseed, sand, dirt, or water, you can trust that Lark Adventurewear will keep your kiddo feeling comfortable in whatever they are playing with! Visit our website to find the perfect set for your little Lark.
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