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10 Best On-the-Go Toddler Snacks

10 Best On-the-Go Toddler Snacks - Wear Lark

Grab and Go! 

Parents, are you at a loss for what grab and go kid snacks to throw in your bag? Raise your hand if you are in desperate need of some new healthy toddler food ideas? We hope these 10 simple, nutritious on the go snacks will make your kiddo smile and you too!

Colorful and Simple

Toddlers LOVE finger food. They are also captivated by bright, lively color. Here's the perfect marriage of the two! Packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber, you can't go wrong with fruits and veggies as an awesome take along snack!

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1. Cut up veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers and snap peas; pop them in a container or baggie and you're all set! Be sure to cut small, bite-sized pieces that your toddler will be able to chew easily.

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2. Fresh fruit – easy to eat apple slices, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, clementines are perfect for little hands! Cut the fruit into sweet shapes using cookie cutters such as hearts, stars and moons that are sure to entice even the pickiest eater! The sky's the limit...try creating fruit kabobs if you're ambitious!

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch

Does your little one like to crunch like the best of 'em? 

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 3. Veggie chips – make your own out of root veggies such as beets or sweet potatoes! They are so yummy that you'll find yourself making an extra batch or two to enjoy when the kids go to bed! There are also some great store-bought options as well. Look for organic brands with the least amount of ingredients. 

Mix it Up

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4. Dried fruit mix/Trail mix - Super stress-free to prepare and toddlers love it! Throw in all the goodies they enjoy such as dry whole grain cereal, dried fruits, chocolate chips and raisins. A big batch can last a while if you store it in an air tight container. 

Homemade Crackers

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5. Cheesy Oat Crackers with Rosemary - Looking for a healthy substitute for the ever popular goldfish crackers? This recipe is so simple to make and scrumptious to boot. Use your toddler's favorite cookie cutter shape and they'll be in heaven! 

Protein is Boss!

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6. Hard boiled eggs – Give your little one a boost of energy. Use the best eggs you can get - Organic or free range and fresh. Boil them up and peel ahead of time for a protein packed snack for your little cutie! 

Sweet, Sassy and Nutritious

What toddler doesn't love a sweet treat?

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These two fabulous kid approved recipes are absolutely divine...and totally healthy for baby! Both are easy to put it a container to bring along with you. Remember too, keep your toddler's portion smaller than you would your own.

7. Frozen Yogurt Pops - Try this quick recipe that your little one is sure to adore. 

8. Zucchini cupcakes - With a creamy Greek yogurt frosting, these cupcakes are the ultimate in nutritious deliciousness. Pack up a few of these protein and fiber rich muffins, and head out on a short walk or hike with baby!

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Easy as 1-2-3

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9. Cheese - It's such a healthy go-to snack for kids and easy to cut into different shapes or sticks. Go for full fat cheeses, and read the ingredients. Look for just milk, salt and enzymes. Remember, the rule of thumb...the less ingredients, the better! 

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10. Hummus - Make your own or try one of our favorites: Yorgo's organic hummus. Cut up some whole wheat pita and let your toddler indulge! This nourishing snack is chock-full of protein.

Have Fun

We believe in sharing our experiences and information with other parents and caregivers, and hope this post is a helpful one. Sometimes in the midst of life, a few ideas you read on a blog can spur on your creativity.  And with that, have fun and enjoy these priceless times of cut up apples and string cheese with those beautiful kids! 


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